December 2017

KENYA - The 2017 Sustainable Innovation Expo is the United Nations Environment Assembly’s marketplace for connecting science to solutions. It took place last December 4 – 6, 2017 at the Fountain of the UN compound. It aims to provide an exclusive opportunity for ministers of environment, heads of UN Agencies and leaders of the private sector and civil society organizations to show the challenges of pollution through a journey of interactive story telling using interactive maps and virtual reality, showcase the latest innovation and technology that can tackle these challenges, and finish in a networking zone where partnerships for fighting pollution can be discussed and made.
BOYSEN® KNOxOUTTM, which is part of the solutions sector at the 2017 Sustainable Innovation Expo is an air-cleaning paint using CristalACTiVTM technology.
According to Health Effects Institute, Air pollution is now clearly recognized as an important global risk factor for diseases. BOYSEN® KNOxOUTTM has been proven to decrease air pollution in high vehicular traffic areas where it has been tested and used.
BOYSEN® KNOxOUTTM will also be of benefit in areas with high NOx levels, such as indoor car parks and outdoor houses and buildings in urban areas. One of the examples is the BOYSEN® KNOxOUTTM Project: EDSA campaign, which is an urban renewal initiative to lessen air pollution on Epifanio de los Santos Avenue in the Philippines through large-scale artworks.