DB Schenker: Battling air pollution in pursuit of a healthy environment
In these days, climate change is being blamed for hastened environmental degradation.
UP students paint gateway to clean air
MANILA, Philippines - For anyone who has ridden the “Toki” or “Ikot” jeepney, craved for isaw and monay, and proclaimed himself to be an iskolar ng bayan, the University Gateway located just before the E. Jacinto intersection literally serves as the gateway to the country’s top university.
Pilipinas Shell joins fight vs. air pollution by painting one petrol station at a time
Vehicular emissions account for 80% of pollution in Metro Manila.
Air Pollution: Why it's not just your Lungs that Suffer Studies reveal that exposure to air pollution increases the risk of heart attacks
Did you know that breathing in dirty air is causing more heart attacks than you think?
Artists paint for cleaner air
Air pollution in the Metro Manila is partly responsible for the deaths of 14 people everyday.